Spike Stool - zeidmoon

Spike Stool

  During the 1980's the U.S. government were confronted with a rise in the unhoused population. Deindustrialization, national failure to address AIDS and accelerated gentrification pushed a lot of people out of permanent housing. Postindustrial urban elites wanted to attract tourists, shoppers, and developers - none of whom wanted to see displaced or sick people in the up-and-coming areas. Thus, hostile architecture was developed to drive those people away instead of housing them.

Hostile architecture exists everywhere. Sectioned benches, spiked pavements and railings, ghost amenities, and metal studs are now very common especially in major cities where there is an increasing number of unhoused people. Here I intend to mimic hostile architecture by designing a chair that cannot be used.

Spike StoolSpike Stool