Circular Design - zeidmoon

Circular Design

The aim of this exhibition is to showcase a circular design model which positively contributes to the global goals for the climate crisis, and works to disrupt the linear take-make-dispose economic model currently in place. The circular economy is an industrial system which is restorative or regenerative by design, reuses natural resources as efficiently as possible, and finds value through products' life cycles. The success of the circular economy will depend on the adoption of a completely new approach to the way products are designed, produced, and consumed. 



Plastic bag sales have been cut in main supermarkets since 2015 and the shift to tote bags continues to rise amongst most people. While tote bags are a great alternative to plastic, unfortunately they are not as environmentally-friendly as you'd think.This is due to the large amounts of energy and water needed to produce it. Using tote bags is good when it's not bought in large quantities. 

Knot-a-bag is a concept design that encourages and explores other ways of creating products using materials that we have at home. This bag is created without the use of a machine or tools. Made from cotton rope that can be disassembled, recycled or composted. This design and concept was created by me for Circular Design. Final prototype was created in collaboration with the talented designers from Regent Park Sewing Studio.