The Civil War - zeidmoon

The Civil War

In the Spring of 2011, huge protests broke out in Syria against the current regime. After 40 years of living under the Assad regime, people wanted a new government that served its people. Over time and after many people got arrested or killed - civil protests quickly turned into a civil war between those who opposed the government and those who didn't. I had just turned 19 and I was very excited about the future, especially as a queer person who hoped that things would progress in the Middle East. Unfortunately these changes towards progress never happened, but experiencing civil war from 2011 to 2015 had a huge effect on the person that I am today and informed my art to this day. 

These paintings are about feeling togetherness during a difficult time. Being surrounded by death and war brought me close to my friends and loved ones on a deep level that I don't think can ever be replicated. Knowing that you could lose your life every time you walk out the front door, brings a new appreciation to being alive and gratitude for having all your loved ones safe and sound


